What does Netflix, Dopey and feeling SAD have in common?...…...Jumping into June e-Newsletter

Educate. Exercise. Evolve 169 Miller St Armidale NSW 2350 www.enpointehealth.com.au Phone: (02) 6771 2837 admin@enpointehealth.com.au

DESTINATION: Lake Moraine - Canada
JUNE 2019
Dear Valued Client,
Welcome to Winter!
If you’re like me, as the weather gets colder, the nights seem longer and your motivation to get out and about can seem to constantly evade you. Feeling less than enthused is common, but feeling very, very bleak during winter might be something more. Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) can affect even the most seasoned New Englander and can strike at anytime. SAD has a seasonal pattern – you’re fine during the warmer months, but as the cold closes in, life feels too hard and all you want is hot buttered toast in bed with a Netflix marathon.
I think I have SAD.. what do I do? First port of call is your trusted GP or other health professional, who may diagnose SAD if you have had the same symptoms during winter for a couple of years.
Keep moving!
Jemma Mulligan
Your exercise program is designed to help you get as much out of treatment as possible. If you're having trouble completing the program, ask your therapist for tips on how to fit the exercises into your day

Brain Teasers
1. How many of each animal did Moses take on the ark? 2. Mary is 13 years old, her father is 40 years old. How many years ago was it that Mary’s father was exactly four times older than she was? 3. The town clock takes 6 seconds to strike 4. How long does it take to strike 12? 4. Which of the seven dwarfs never speaks?
Exercise Right Week for Active Aging May 2019
Well done to all those who attended our forum helping you to Move More and Age Better. We hope you loved the 7 Secrets to Staying Healthy, Happy & Stronger!

Come along to our next workshop:
5 Best Stretches for Low Back Pain and Sciatica
18th July 2019 6pm Wicklow Hotel (upstairs) Cost: FREE

Did You Know?
Your eyes remain the same size from birth, but your nose and ears never stop growing!

Focus on...… Facts About Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by very low bone mass or density. This is caused by the body either losing too much bone, not making enough or both. Osteoporotic bones become weak and fragile and can break from small forces that would normally be harmless.
In osteoporotic bones, as well as loss of bone density and mass, there may also be abnormal changes to the structure of the bone matrix, which further contributes to the bone weakness.

Osteoporosis is an extremely common bone disease and women are more affected than men. As it is a progressive disorder that worsens with age, while the disease process might begin earlier, the effects are usually only noticed and diagnosed in people who are 50 years and older. Often called a silent disease, many people with osteoporosis will have no idea that they have the disease, as there are no obvious symptoms.
What are the Signs and Symptoms? Certain medications may also cause bone loss especially if they are taken for a long time or in high doses. A good example is the long-term use of steroids. Although steroids are used to treat various conditions, it has been proven that steroids can cause bone loss and eventually osteoporosis.
How Can Physiotherapy & Exercise Physiology Help? Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology can help you to improve your overall bone health, avoid or recover from fractures. Specific exercises can safely increase your weight bearing, which can help build bone mass. Balance training is also an important factor as this can reduce the risk of falls. Your therapist can also educate you on how to adjust your lifestyle, at home or at work, to protect your bones and improve your posture.
Answers: 1. It was Noah, not Moses 2. 4 years ago 3. 22 seconds 4. Dopey